• (+91)7977680713
  • frontoffice@ideachoupal.com

About Us

Ideachoupal is your partner for planning large and impactful events, influencing opinions among constituent base or data analysis to derive meaningful themes and create new ideas. Ideachoupal is your go to place for ideation.

Ideachoupal will help curate your image for political or social purposes

Ideachoupal will manage the mass influencing and events required to establish your ideas or image

Ideachoupal will analyse and interpret data for understanding the unsaid and help create a powerful theme for you

Ideachoupal is formed by a team of professionals with deep on ground experience of creating large scale road shows for political parties, influencing public opinions through social media and press. Our team also has experience in setting up event focused organization at short notice.

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Aspiring politicians

You have a successful career or business and want to become an elected representative.

Incumbent Politicians/Elected Representatives

You have achieved political success but wish to create more impact.

Political Party Founders

If you are a founder of a political party or ideology and looking to establish a strong base.

Political Bouncing Board

If you require a neutral place to seek feedback or brainstorm to advance your political career.

What We Offer

Our Services

Mass Influencer Management

Your target audience may be the voter base of a constituency or state.

Mass Influencer Management

Our integrated approach will use social media, press, localized events, road shows, rallies etc.

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Campaigns & Road Show Planning

We will use campaigns to enhance favorable opinions over short period of time. Campaigns help create lot of visibility and awareness and can help swing votes in your favour.

Campaigns & Road Show Planning

Our teams will ideate, plan & organize large scale or localized campaigns including road shows, seminars and events.

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We believe that we will need to create multiple impact points to impact the voter base.


Our team will help create large and small events that include nukkad melas, road shows, stage shows, political rallies, party enrollment drives etc

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Content Creation

Content creation we believe is the heart of every successful campaign.

Content Creation

Our team of content creators will ideate with your team and arrive at most acceptable content for the target constituency. Our team can help create radically new themes.

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Community Management

Creating an open channel with members of the community and a mechanism to pick up the pain points redressal mechanism is important.

Community Management

Continued political success depends on support of community. We can help create a mechanism to listen to the stated and unstated needs and help stay on top of the voter community needs.

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Social Media Strategy

Our belief is social media offers an excellent platform to work on impacting voter opinions. Social media strategy must be crafted based on the profile of the constituency and internet user base.

Social Media Strategy

Our team will research the target constituency before launching any campaign and ensure optimal spends for desired results.

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War Room Management

Setting up and running a command and control centre before D-Day is critical for all size of political parties and leaders.

War Room Management

We can help set up well oiled war room for coordinating the efforts just before elections and on election day. Our team of advisors can help select, train your team to run each role and deliver results.

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Large volumes of data need to be crunched to understand the profiles and preferences of target voter base.


Our competent analytics team will crunch data and propose approach based on data

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Our Blog

How does one build a political career?

A good democracy is one where there are many aspiring leaders wanting to become elected representatives.The will to fight elections and win is present in most political aspirants. Resources utilisation may vary from type of election being contested. Using professional guidance may help build, better more political mileage and enhance chance of winning.

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