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Launching Political Careers

Six Tips to Win Elections

There is probably no right age to launch one’s political career. The number of elected representatives in state assemblies and Parliament are nearly 4650. Most seats are contested by multiple people an elected role in India. If we add the 247 odd municipalities/corporations in India the number of political aspirants will probably cross 1,00,000 easily. The big question is how does one build a political career?

There are multiple routes that have been taken by political aspirants. Mentioned below are few but not exhaustive methods

- There are a few who have started as student leaders and went on to build political image and credibility.

- Few others built successful business careers and then transformed themselves into public representatives.

- Some have built successful social service organisations and used their mass appeal to launch political career.

- Many have joined with existing political parties or organisations as junior members and made it big.

A successful politician has to carefully curate his image and ideology. He has to find a theme that can become his/her election plank. We at ideachoupal.com can help ideate and find the theme best suited for an aspirant

There are a wide array of services that can be adopted for building political career. Depending on how much time and resources are at disposal, one can plan the services to get maximum returns.

Social Media Usage

In India mobile phone has become the first source of internet for majority of population. Usage of social media has now penetrated across the country and even small villages in remote districts have adopted usage of smart phones and social media. Social media advertising is a handy tool and should be used. The choice of messaging and consistency are key.

Road Shows

Road shows need significant ideation and organisation to make an impact. The organisation of manpower at the ground level is critical to make a difference. Road shows can consume significant resources with little accountability if not planned well. We suggest using road shows in the six to nine month period leading to the election day.

Events & Rallies

Grass root connectivity are built on the strength of events and rallies. Starting from enrolling members for the party to communicating subtle or direct messages, events can be used. This is a slow impact activity and should ideally be used starting 24 months before election day. Rallies are a show of strength and help garner swing votes before elections.

Community Management

Connect with the community is critical for continued political mileage. Setting up forums to listen to community issues create huge respect for the leader. A regular community interaction helps build great bond. For existing social and political representatives this can be a critical link with community. An activity like community management can be even set up using electronic media or easy to use mobile app.

Content Creation

Elections are won and lost on the basis of themes. In most constituencies the theme will be common for all the parties. For example, there may be an irrigation canal that needs to be extended to help a taluk or district. The way the leader approaches the issue and creatively communicates is central to the leader making an impact. The tone of content and mediums of communication need to be planned.

War Room Management

Come election week and the frenzy of activity picks up. All aspirants are busy doing every last minute effort to win the election. The aspirant who is best organised may be able to get significant share of swing votes. How the war room is managed, who will do what task, what message will be sent to a particular area, what press messaging will be done, managing election day voter transport is key to maximising efforts.